Bonjour mes amis! Or perhaps I should say 'Ello guvnah! I had a delightful day working at La Cusine today, and now I am about to pack for my trip to London! I'm taking the chunnel tomorrow night after work, and I'll be in London until Thursday. Sadly the train doesn't go to King's Cross Station, so I'll have to make another trip to go and see platform 9 and 3/4. I'll be meeting up with some college friends and some high school friends while I'm there. I have a lengthy list of touristy things to do, and I am very excited to get back to London. I was there when I was 9 with Dad's Harvard OPM reunion, and it was one of my favorite family vacations. I remember the English breakfast at the Ritz, lunch at the House of Lords (complete with gift shop visit), the London Eye, the Tower of London, and eating our way through Windsor. I also remember being extremely jetlagged and falling asleep next to my dinner the night we arrived and being wierded out by drivers on the other side of the road. At least that won't happen this time! Here are some pictures of my favorite British things......

One of the best series ever written. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is my favorite.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a man of good fortune must be in want of a wife.
"Mr. Bennett! Did you hear that Netherfield Park is let at last?"
Emma Watson. In Burberry. Both British, both fantastic.
England's culinary contribution to the world, fish and chips.
My host mom keeps telling me that English food is awful.
Queen Elizabeth I
I find the small dog/rat that is next to her very amusing.
Well, this is an American movie, but it's about Shakespeare, so I'm calling it British. Great movie.
She's amazing.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
Pippa Middleton
Prince Harry
The Beatles. My all time favorite Brits.
I'm staying in a hostel near Hyde Park, so I'm not sure what the Internet situation will be like. Worst case scenario I'll post about my petit voyage when I come back to Paris!
I'll take Emma.