I didn't have my camera with me last night, so I went to Montmartre this afternoon to snap a pic.
And mon dieu it was good. For 21 euro, you get an aperitif, an appetizer of cheese, potatoes, pepperoni, salami, pickles and olives, fondue (cheese or beef), wine (served in a baby bottle....a little strange, but you get used to it) and a dessert(we had fruit salad). This was the first meal in France where I was stuffed at the end. We had the cheese fondue, and the basket of bread to dunk in the melty cheese was never ending. I think the cheese was Gruyere, but I'm not positive. It looked a little something like this.......

And a close up.........

Delicious!!!! We're planning on going back in a few weeks to sample the beef fondue. After dinner, we proceeded to investigate the Parisian nightlife. On the metro we met a bunch of students who are here with a program run by Middlebury College. One of the students goes to Pomona, and she knew one of my good friends from high school!! It's a small world after all.
This morning when I opened my curtains, I saw LA NEIGE (SNOW)!! It was pretty exciting. Paris doesn't get snow that often, and I don't think the Parisians know how to deal with it. There was only half an inch or so on the ground, but none of the sidewalks had been shoveled or salted.
I guess the Parisians like the snow!
That's all for now folks, tonight is the Super Bowl, and we are all going to a bar to watch our football (not soccer thank you very much) and be obnoxious Americans. Yay! LET'S GO PATS!!!

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