Crossing the Seine!
House in the River Seine...
Pedestrian Path to Giverny. It is the end of the semester and we could not spend 13 euro each to rent a bike...yay for walking!
Beautiful French country home. I want to live here.
Throwing the KKG Key with a blue and blue iris :)

Claude Monet
Monet's Gardens
Monet's House
Blue on blue!
His house was so bright and colorful, like his paintings. It was "interdit" (forbidden) to take pictures inside the house, but I live on the wild side, so I snapped a few....oh the things I do for my dear readers...
Salon with some of Monet's amazing paintings
Even more amazing paintings, a bust and self portrait of Monet
View of the gardens from upstairs
I even thought about buying some in the gift shop. But they were 9 euro. Tant pis...
I wish I could garden...brace yourselves for an insane amount of flower pics!
flower power
Iris season at Giverny!! I had no idea there were so many kinds of irises...
Purple and white iris
lavender and white
Red and yellow
white and yellow
We then meandered over to the Japanese style gardens...who knew bamboo would grow so well in France???
Ah, the bridge....
The Water Lily Pond
why are there no water lilies you ask? well it's not the season sadly. They are in full bloom in September. Looks like I will just have to make another vie est dur. The massive Water Lily panels are housed in the Musee de l'Orangerie near Place de la Concorde.
So many flowers, so little time!
Thank goodness I do not have allergies.
Les Filles de Giverny!
This reminded me of Snow White for some reason...
Looking over to the house
J'adore Giverny!
1 French Hen
Here is my bad/hilarious French chicken joke: What does a French chicken say when you punch it? OEUF!
For a mere 310 euro, you can buy a Giverny scarf by Hermes...
As we headed out of the quaint village we stopped by the church were Claude Monet is buried.
This is the memorial for the crew of a Lancaster Bomber that crashed in Giverny in June 1944. The metal is part of a propeller.
Tomb of Claude Monet and some of his family members

Water Lily Pond

Venice at Twilight

La Prominade
I remember Leigh said Giverny was her favorite. Next time we'll come when it's open. How lovely! See you in a week.